Indian National Taekwondo Federation

Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific martial art. Now it has become a global sport and has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official games in the Olympics. The word TAEKWONDO is composed of three parts “Tae” “Kwon” “Do.” “Tae” means foot or leg, “Kwon” means fist or Punch and “Do” means the way or discipline. If we put these three words together, we can say TAEKWONDO is a way of Kick and Punch. Basically, Taekwondo means “the right way of using all parts of the body to stop fights and help to build a better and more peaceful world.”

  • Tenets of Taekwon Do
  • Courtesy (Ye Ui)
  • Integrity (Yom Chi)
  • Perseverance ( In Nae)
  • Self-Control (Guk Gi)
  • Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgool)